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We did it!

To all my LearnToLive families and friends, I hope this letter finds you well. With this short message, I would like first to give thanks to everyone who has shown their support over these past weeks. This year’s clinic was a whole new experience to us, and for the better. We began by successfully transforming our larger scale clinic in an effort to accommodate the changing regulations. Several strategic partnerships have been made with universities, hospitals and the medical and nursing associations of Indonesia. This will provide greater scope under which we can operate. We expect that these new partnerships will provide us more opportunity and eventually enable us to exercise more power to fight for the quality healthcare access of the communities in Indonesia. Our clinical approach will likely change due to the current regulation and partnerships, but our spirit is and always will be the same.

On behalf of LearnToLive, I would like to thank all 32 of the amazing local providers (nurses, Indonesian Doctors Association/IDI team, logistics crews and interpreters) who have done their very best to support our clinic this year in Indonesia. A huge thank you to Vena Energy for sponsoring the event and improving the health of the community of Wineru. Together we have successfully ran our Bakti Sosial Kesehatan in Wineru, North Sulawesi, 16-17 July 2019. Besides that, our water team have done an amazing job on creating the a ‘Sanitation station’ with piper, structure, tank, toilet, bathroom, and seating area to support our Sangkilang community. Thank you for all your love and support with this build.

This year’s program in Indonesia has taught us that change can be difficult. But, with the collaboration, cooperation, and consensus we managed it together, as a team and a family – a global movement. Though, our mission is not yet over. We will continue aiming to be the providers, resources, and contributors to those who are in need. We believe that when we all help one another, everybody wins.

Thanks friends,

LTL Social Media & Communications


LearnToLive Indonesia

LearnToLive Indonesia