LearnToLive joins communities worldwide to improve quality of life through healthcare, health education, and access to clean water.
About LTLOf all maternal deaths occur in developing countries.
* World Health Organization, Feb 2018Of all global deaths are related to Cardiovascular disease.
* World Health Organization, May 20170
Across the globe currently live with diabetes.
* World Health Organization, 20190
Lack even a basic drinking-water service.
* World Health Organization, Feb 2018One of the major barriers to quality healthcare and an accessible water source is limited access due to living in a remote part of the world. Our goal is to reduce these limitation by delivering four comprehensive programs: water, healthcare, health education, and capacity building. Through these programs we provide the means to a sustainable future for communities around the world. Together with our partners, donors and volunteers, we have helped thousands of people globally.
Communities we have implemented programs in across Indonesia, Laos, South Africa and Kenya
Water programs built in Indonesia and Kenya