Our first crew has arrived safely. We had a few trips to the airport which was a long run up and down the mountain, however everyone is here safe. We are staying up in Tomohon. Tomohon is where my Dad was born. It is a bustling town in the mountains. The last two days everyone has been getting over jet lag and getting used to being in Indonesia. It has been an incredible experience for me seeing everyone flying in over the last two days. I think it has been a combination of people physically being here for LearnToLive as well my worlds colliding. Friends and family spanning from all over my life arriving for LearnToLive is pretty wild.
Today we had orientation, crash course in Indonesian and checked all medications that were bought, documented and prepared our supplies. We leave early tomorrow. Four drivers. Five translators. Four 4W drives. Twelve LearnToLive participants and a whole lot of excitement, drive and dramamine.
Day 1 of our clinics tomorrow, send lots of good vibes,
We will be in touch,