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We’ve reached the halfway mark on our trip this year and it has been absolutely amazing. We’ve set up our health care clinics in Likupang, Sangkilan, and Nazareth in North Sulawesi Indonesia and seen 485 patients so far with four more villages to go. Each village has had its own health challenges and we have been able to refer several cases to the main hospitals in Manado for a brain CT scan, tests for leprosy, a much needed ophthalmology review, epilepsy and every clinician has been able to give each and every patient the quality of care and the time that they need to get them in a better place of health.

Our Tomohon Project Mental Health team is off to speak at the University of Jakarta tomorrow about post disaster mental health care and rural/remote mental health care in North Sulawesi. They have just been in Tomohon gaining steam for our community based mental health program we will be piloting soon.

The water project is well on its way with our crew of dedicated designers, engineers, and carpenters working so hard to build the new rainwater catchment system on Bunaken Island at the local high school. The entire crew will all be working in one place starting this Sunday and we are so excited to see their progress in person.

Our student team and coodinators have been to Kandou Hospital, Tomohon Hospital, and Bethesda Nursing school to build awareness for remote community health care, the work we do, and liaising with local doctors, nurses, and health policy makers. We are able to learn so much from each other!

From a clinician point of view, we have so many people from all around the world volunteering with us this year. They are all gaining a new and expanded view on global health care and remote community health. We’re so thankful to be able to provide them with this experience that they can bring home to their own hospitals, community health centers, and colleagues.

Next we are heading to Sapa and three villages on Bunaken Island!


formative LTL 2015 indonesia