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The LearnToLive scout crew visited Laos in November of 2012. During this time, we met with and developed a relationship with the already established NGO, ADRA. In August of 2013 we returned to the capital of Laos to meet with ADRA again.

ADRA works in a district in northeast Laos call Mok Mai. Mok Mai is one of the most remote parts of the world we had ever been to. It took nine hours by 4WD on some of the most horrendous roads we had ever seen and attempted to drive on.

It was here where we met with Dr Khampheng Xay, the doctor running the hospital in Mok Mai. With little equipment and staff, he does an exceptional job. We met and spoke about the possibilities of how LTL could help.

The area of most concern in this remote part of the world is maternal child health care. Laos has a high infant mortality rate and one of the millennium development goals is to lower this statistic.

It is here we proposed some programs that would work with the women directly in the 12 villages ADRA and the district health center are working with.

  • Extra training for the traditional birth attendees
  • Women’s health education for girls aged between 12-16
  • Primary health clinics for women
  • Ultrasound machine for the hospital and education about how to use it

ADRA and the district health office of Mok Mai were very excited about the prospect of implementing this.

Here are some photos of our time in Mok Mai, Laos. We are excited to return with our LTL crew.

Thank you to Scott Rawson (ADRA), Stephanie Gibson ( LTL), Amanda Clifford (LTL), Alex Willson ( LTL) and Casey Miller (LTL) for making the journey to Laos and helping me develop the program.

If you are interested in coming and volunteering on our LTL Laos program, please get in touch with [email protected]

A woman with a baby strapped to her back walk away from camera in Mok Mai mountains