Good morning to all! Today marks the halfway point in the LearnToLive Indonesia 2017 Health Initiative. So far, we’ve traveled to 5 communities across the North Sulawesi region of Indonesia. We started in a village called Makalelon, then to Nazareth, followed by a long journey to Sapa. Currently, we are wrapping up our last days in Bunaken Island, where we’ve held 3 clinics in 2 separate villages. Our crew is our biggest and strongest yet, as we’ve been able to help over 500 patients, halfway to our goal of 1000 by the end of our program. Tomorrow, we will travel by boat to Likupang where we will stay for the duration of our trip and hold our final 6 clinics. On Friday, we will celebrate the completion of our Likupang Clean Drinking Water Project. It’s been quite the ride so far. Can’t wait to share more! Terima kasih!