Want to get involved but think you don’t have the necessary skills?
Think again! We need smart, empathetic, interesting, hardworking, problem solvers! There are many jobs that keep the LearnToLive train moving forward during our program implementation, not just those that require medical or building experience.. If you have ever wanted to get out into the world alongside a great team of individuals working for good, join us!
Joining LearnToLive as a general volunteer means you will be assigned a position from clinical admin (helping sign up patients in clinic, taking height and weight measurements), to in-field logistics (helping loading and unloading the bus, being our go-to person for last minute clinic supplies), to helping out on the water project and possibly entertaining a group of children outside clinic. The position requires you to be open and flexible and to understand that your job is essential to the overall success of our clinics.
Once you have been on a LearnToLive program, you can say that you have worked in a remote part of the world delivering healthcare, education and clean water to hundreds of people in need. By the time you return home you will have successfully registered patients, learned how to calculate a BMI, loaded boats and buses with supplies and maybe even dug a few water pipe trenches on an island in the sun. Most importantly you will have taken the opportunity to open your eyes to how people live in other corners of the world. You can say you are a more informed global citizen and know that you were part of an unstoppable rad team!
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Open Positions
We have no positions available right now. Give us your email and we’ll let you know when something comes up.