A wonderful thing happens when you come to an LTL fundraiser, when you buy a t-shirt, or when you make a donation online. Your participation in our events in New Orleans, Melbourne, and online allow us to make a real difference in the lives of people in Indonesia.Babies with clubfoot are identified soon after birth in countries like the US and Australia. Their little legs are put into a series of casts to help the feet grow into a position that will be able to bear weight. For people who lack access to medical attention, check-ups and procedures can be hard to come by for many reasons and problems like this can be missed. If left untreated for much longer, this little girl’s chances of walking and having a normal life were growing slim.Dr. Hitesh and our translator Michelle took this little girl and her mother from our clinic to the state hospital in Manado. There they waited for hours until they could meet with an orthopedic surgeon to make a plan to correct this little girl’s club feet. Starting with casts, the family will be followed up with to assess the need for surgery. LTL is covering their medical costs.Your donations are helping this little girl walk. YOU make it possible for us to help others all over the world. THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts.
-All of us here at LTL.
#indonesia #communityhealth #yourdonations#shesgonnawalk #signingoffbeforeigettooem