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Capacity Building

Project Type

Capacity Building


To train health professionals to increase skill & level-up in their practice

Information and Aims

Lack of access to quality health services in many regions of the world is due in part to a lack of adequately trained and supported healthcare workers. Capacity building enables individuals to receive knowledge and develop competencies and skills that can make them more effective and sustainably impactful. We’ve also found that many health workers are not adequately supported in their positions and lack the resources to effectively give care.

LearnToLive provides training and capacity building opportunities for a wide range of healthcare providers, from doctors and nurses, to traditional birth attendants and community health educators. When possible, we also support individual healthcare workers by providing them with supplies necessary deliver quality healthcare, such as stethoscopes, bp cuffs, scales, manuals, etc.

Some of our past Capacity Building programs include:

  • Delivery Complications, traditional birth attendants, Xiengkuong Province, Laos
  • Ultrasound for Pregnancy, district health center staff, Xiengkuong Province, Laos
  • Screening for Anxiety & Depression, health center staff, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Best Practices for Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes & Hypertension, health center staff, North Sulawesi
  • Family Planning Counseling & Reproductive Health for Teens (Train the Trainer), community based midwives, Xiengkuong Province, Laos

Upcoming Programs

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